May 15, 2011

You Win, Miss Germanotta

What’s that? Where have I been for the past five months? Well, highly inquisitive reader, I’ve been seeing places, meeting people, and learning things. But more specifically, I had been suffering from pop music burnout. Hopefully that won’t happen again for a while, as I actually wanna start blogging again (just probably not in such a regimented structure). But enough of that. Let’s get down to business.

Jan 9, 2011

Hot 100 Reactions: January 3

There were only two songs that debuted on the chart this week. So for just this week, I’m gonna review the two other songs that re-entered the charts but I hadn’t reviewed for the blog before.

Also, the first song is from a show’s soundtrack, which I don’t like to do, but since, again, there are so few songs this week, I’m gonna do it anyway. Just remember that soundtrack songs most likely won’t be included in the future. Yes, this includes Glee.

Jan 6, 2011

Nine Hit Songs From 2010 That I Surprisingly Liked

Yes, this is a day late. I was busy arguing with my internet provider yesterday, trying to get them to fix my nonfunctional DSL connection. It was not fun.

Over the past six months, I’ve heard a lot of songs I didn’t like. But there was a surprising number of songs that I actually rather enjoyed. And some of that number were more surprising than others. And so, I decided to compose a list of of the songs from 2010 that I have the least reason for liking, and yet I do anyway.

Jan 2, 2011

Hot 100 Reactions: December 30

Week Two! Fortunately, I’m not as rushed this week, so I can actually take my time with each of the songs. Which is great, because I can add more details to my reviews. And it also sucks, because I’ll understand why a song is so terrible. Music’s on the other side of the jump.